

At Capel Primary School our Art and design curriculum engages, inspires and challenges all learners. It encourages children to look closely at the world around them whilst expressing their individual thoughts, interests and ideas. Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity and our high-quality art and design education equips children with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Children are exposed to a range of artists, designers and craftspeople throughout history and within the current day to encourage them to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding.



At Capel during the Summer Term, Art and Design is the main focus of our project lessons as part of our ‘Create’ focus. Each year group explores a concept question such as ‘Can Art portray an important message’ in Year 3 or ‘How useful are natural materials in creation?’ in Year 5. In addition, lessons continue to be taught throughout the year. We start our learning by revisiting children's prior knowledge. This allows teachers to scaffold learning and children to make connections.


Each year Capel Primary School has a celebration of the Arts and carries out an Arts day. There is a school focus such as an artist or theme and a chance for children to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Children also have the opportunity to showcase their work to other classes and the wider community following the day.


We have carefully planned our progression maps to ensure clear development of knowledge and skills through children's academic journey including practical experiences, theoretical and disciplinary elements of the subject. This can be seen through the use of art journals which year groups use throughout the school to demonstrate their learning journey and progression of these.  All year groups focus on the golden threads which are designed to run through our curriculum and allow children to review essential skills and build on these. These include drawing, painting, form, printing, textiles and photography and learning through artists, designers and craftspeople. Within our curriculum children will experience a diverse range of specialists to study and learn from and aim to make links to our local area where possible.


At Capel, we encourage the use of our extensive outdoor environment to create real life and memorable learning experiences that feed into children’s curiosity and enthusiasm.  We also aim to make community links where possible.


Through the developing use of the pupil's voice, the book looks and through discussion and CPD with staff the subject lead is able to ensure strong coverage of all art and design skills, knowledge and development of language.



The impact of our Art and Design curriculum is evident in our pupils' positive engagement, progress, and achievement, along with their enhanced skills, knowledge, and understanding. Pupils leave in year 6 showing they are able to think critically and have developed a more rigorous understanding of art and design through their academic journey.