Welcome to Year 3 with Mrs Barrett, Mrs. Haffenden and Mrs. Summers.

Key Information

PE: Year 3 will have PE on Tuesday and Friday. Please wear full PE kit on these; ensure hair that can be tied up, is tied up; and earrings are not worn on these days. 

Homework: This is set on Monday and is due the following Monday. There will be spellings and times tables. The children should regularly read, and their reading records will also be checked on Mondays. 

Science enrichment day

Today we took part in a Science enrichment day. This involved lots of hands on learning including creating our own skeletons when learning about our bodies as well as a finger prints workshop. Did you know everyone's finger prints are unique?

Literacy story telling

As part of our Literacy lessons we have been reading 'The Wild Robot'. We have used the ideas in the story as a basis to write our own and orally rehearsed these before writing. We have had robots washing up on mysterious islands, robots being turned on by a range of curious animals as well as destructive storms and plane or boat accidents!

Maths volume and capacity outside

In maths we have been learning about volume and capacity. We used containers and water to explore these concepts outside. We learnt that the volume refers to the specific amount of liquid in a container where as capacity is the maximum amount of liquid a container can hold when full.

In Art, we have been learning techniques to shade in different ways to create light and dark.  We practised first and then used our skills to shade our Iron Age Roundhouses.

In Gymnastics we have been learning a routine made of different moves.  We learnt to forward roll and cartwheel and hold balances.  We made sure that we transitioned smoothly from one movement to the next.

This term, Year 3 have been enjoying the great outdoors at Forest School. They have used a 'dragon sneezer' to make fire and made bird feeders.  In line with our Iron Age topic, the children made spears and axes! In our last session, the children enjoyed toasting marshmallows over the fire to make s'mores. They were delicious!

Our Project this term is the STONE AGE!

Keep an eye out for updates!

Year 3 had a Stone Age Day! We had so much fun!

We Made Nettle dough balls and garlic butter! The Stone Age people would have used Nettles in their cooking, so we gave it a go! 

If you want to adapt the recipe without the nettles - change the 1 Tsp of Nettle Powder for another Tsp of flour. 

Our Fourth week, we made smoothies. We were so brave and tried them and ended up loving it!

Our Third week, we made Mango and Banana Cheesecake!

In our second cooking session, we made Tuna Pate!

In our first cooking session, we made Potato, Pea and Mint Salad

Class 3 did our Class Assembly! We were amazing! Here are our slides! We have learnt so much! 

Year 3 explored the wild and the importance of shelters last term! We used our Forest school are and built shelters from materials we could find!

Our first song as a class: Home Is Where The Heart Is

We also played along on glockenspiels! 

News and Letters

 Autumn newsletter.pdfDownload
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Year 3 will be recapping words from Key Stage 1 and these from the Year 3 and 4 statutory word list. At the end of year 2, they should know their 2s, 5s and 10s times tables - so we will recap these, then move onto the 3s, 4s and 8s.